米线对于云南人来说,就像空气一样不可或缺。云南的米线花样繁多,最有名的当数过桥米线。过桥米线历经300 多年的传承与发展,已经从“一个人的盛宴”演变成“一座城的盛宴”。你知道过桥米线的来历吗?一起了解下吧!
Long ago, just south of the Yunnan Province ofMengzi, there was a beautiful lake with water as clearas 1)jade. In the center of the lake, there wasa small island covered in green bambooand giant trees whose ancient 2)stalksreached the heavens.
Known for its natural beauty andpleasant atmosphere, the small islanddrew many scholars to study for theimperial exams.
Among these scholars was aparticularly diligent person. Every day, his wifemade the long walk to the lake, crossing the bridgeto the island to bring him his midday meal. However, hewas frequently so 3)engrossed in his studies that he onlyremembered to eat long after the food had grown cold.
Due to his 4)irregular eating habits, the scholarbecame noticeably thin and his warmhearted wife grewvery worried. One day, she had an idea. She butchereda plump hen to make a hot chicken broth, and separatelyprepared her husbands favorite local rice noodles,seasonings, and ingredients.
She brought them in different bowls, combining them just beforehe was ready to eat. On its own, the chicken broth stayed hot enoughto cook the rice noodles and other ingredients, and created a thin layerof oil that kept the whole bowl piping hot.
Eventually, the scholar succeeded in passing the imperial exams.Remembering his wifes great kindness and warmth, he joked that itwas his wifes wonderful rice noodles that helped him pass the exams.
Because there is a bridge to the island, in memory of the virtuouswife, later generations called the delicious food “crossing-bridge ricenoodles”. And thus the food symbolizes affection and admiration.
Today, crossing-bridge rice noodles is still considered a Yunnanspecialty—and it still comes in separate bowls, allowing you to pickyour ingredients and add the hot soup yourself. In Yunnan, thisdelicious food is so popular that there are varieties of crossing-bridgerice noodles. In 2008, it was listed as an item of intangible culturalheritage of Kunming City.
1) jade n. 玉石;
2) stalk n. 莖;
3) engrossed adj. 全神贯注的
4) irregular adj. 不整齐的;
succeed in doing 成功做某事
如今,过桥米线仍然被视为云南的特色美食——它仍然采用分碗盛装的方式,让顾客可以选择自己喜欢的配料,并自行加入热汤。在云南,这道美食非常受欢迎,有各种口味。2008 年,这道美食被列入昆明市非物质文化遗产。
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